position:News > Rare! A Spectacular Scene of “the Sun and the Moon Appearing at the Same Time” above Qishan Grassland

Rare! A Spectacular Scene of “the Sun and the Moon Appearing at the Same Time” above Qishan Grassland

The 1st Eye - Chongqing Broadcasting Group: around 18:00, June 25, and above the Qishan Grassland of Longgang Scenic Area, there were a halfmoon hanging in the part of the sky north by east, with lunar mare clearly visible; and the sun emitting dazzling light from the southwestern part.



The scene of the sun and the moon appearing at the same time is a natural phenomenon, which is resulted from the difference in the earth’s orbital period around the sun and the moon’s orbital period around the earth. Certain conditions are necessary for us to observe such scene with naked eyes, generally in the autumn months when the sky is clear and visibility is high. But because Qishan Grassland has high altitude and less dense air, so here you can observe this strange celestial phenomenon with naked eyes in both spring and summer.